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Whoa! Rainbow 6 part 5 part 2?  

But  a lot of people in this thread are right, no one is having a drought in the early part of the year. 

As far as making fun of the PS3 and Wii first year, remember the first year of the 360 was pretty meh. In fact up until Bioshock the 360 lineup was pretty underwhelming minus Dead Rising, Forza 2, and Gears of War. First year is almost always terrible for a console.

Not enough Mercenaries 2: World in Flames love in this thread.

I imagine by this time next year all 3 systems will have an impressive stable of games.

The Wii 2008 lineup is going to be great with Mario Kart, SSMB, No More Heroes, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (which if it's anything like Lucasarts is describing, the Wii version will be the one to get), plus I think Mario Baseball will be coming out in the summer. Mario Sports games are generally a lot of fun to play with others. That's not counting what people have up their sleeve and haven't released yet--an example would be Capcom, since RE4 did a hell of a lot better than they thought, and RE:UC is selling beyond anyone's expectations already. The weakness for the Wii is due mostly to no one being on board until the day before E3 2006, and others not until the Wii launch. That weakness isn't there anymore, and they have a huge and rapidly growing userbase. Some third party games selling well. Ubisoft and Capcom come to mind. 

The PS3 has MGS 4, Tekken 6, Silent Hill 5,  Haze, Gran Turismo 5, not totally sure what else stands out as I don't have a PS3. The problem here is a processor that's extremely difficult to work with, games will take time to come out.  Again I could probably make a bigger list but it's still not counting what people have planned where the info isn't released yet. 

It's a little unfair to compare the 360's 2nd year with the Wii and PS3's first year. Even the first 2/3rds of the 360's 2nd year was pretty underwhelming. It got the jump start and a lot of great games as a result, but if my 360 bricks again after I get it back I'm selling it and buying a PS3. I imagine I'm not the only one frustrated with hardware problems at this point, and that problem will become more apparent if the PS3 gets its ass in gear.