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nofosu said:
jjseth said:
Soriku... i mean Dtewi. I read that and it came across to me as a trash thread trashing the PS3. Maybe because you don't care for the PS3 you think it's fair and accurate because it's what you think is true as well.

Myself, I don't think it's true at all. Leo J said it best that the reason why sales haven't been higher is because of the Price of the console. Also, I'll add in that the normal for all consoles lack of high quality games in the first year hurt as well.

Your opinion of flamebait must be different then mine is. Posts like this normally go one direction. The OP and a few others lambast the PS3, those who enjoy the PS3 and like it defend it and show why his argument is FUD. OP comes back and says "Nuh uh, you didn't read what I wrote, you need to READ IT" even if people did read it and still think that it's a flame bait thread. I'm calling a duck a duck here.

Well like i said earlier, i was not trying to bash th PS3, and if thats what you got from the post, then thats what you got. But there's proof right in wot u said that you did not read it, simply put. Price and blue ray(one of the most expensive parts of the PS3), were the rasons i stated, for it not selling well, nothing else, same thing leo-j said, only he was echoing what i said without even reading the post period!!!. My article is like a miror, if you come in to flame then even if you read it all you will see it as a flame post. You haven't even told me why you disagree , please just qoute a section of the thread, that you disagree with.

if you disagree fine, but don't just start insulting me (this is not just aimed at jjseth), thats not cool, this is supposed to be a friendly community!


Perhaps next ime you should think twice about a negative title/content.

In using a negative connotation in your title you are leaving it open to interpretation.  Try not using "failed to deliver" next time.  Unless your talking about a shipping company.

The entire post was full of "coulda" "woulda" and "shoulda."

You didn't spell BluRay right, didn't capitalize a lot of the company or product names, but you did capitalize some. (If I were to analyze the article on capitalization/spelling alone, it could show you have little respect for these titles.)

Nowhere in there do you speak up to Sony.  You only speak down to them and that they should have done.

And you didn't even finish the last sentence: "I know a lot of people seem to think accessible, meaning easier and ..."

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

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