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Well, I've always been a huge Nintendo fanboy, and have had the Wii since it came out. I've really been loving it, it has been everything I expected it to be, and Galaxy has pleased me to no end.

But for this Christmas, I am caught in a bit of a struggle as to what I should do.  I can either get an Xbox 360, which would be cool I think, having two consoles and all, and get the Halo 3/Ultimate Alliance/Other game bundle for $350 and maybe another controller or something, or I could get a lot of the Wii hardware and games I've been looking at for quite some time.

Being my favorite site for videogame news with a good mixture of people well educated on both systems, I thought I'd ask what you think I should do.

Should I get a 360? What hardware/games should I get on a $500 total budget?


Should I get a lot of Wii games/hardware? What would you recommend I get?


Thanks in advance. :p 

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