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The cheapest 360 is still $199, the rest doesn't matter guys. The PS3 sales figures to be frank aren't good enough for the huge price cut and new model they introduced. Time for you all to say when the PS3 will surpass the 360 sales again because your doom and gloom is tiresome now. Not one of you addressed my valid points on Microsoft being profitable and Sony still losing money, which might I add cannot go on forever before the shareholders decide to claw back their losses.

The Amazon gift card rebate proved there is a huge market waiting for another price cut on the 360 too so we know the sales are there when Microsoft decide to move. Thats without bringing up any other strategy than price.

Sony have done very well to keep in the race this generation with some bold strategy moves and the PS3 is a fantastic console but some of you are blinded by current sales. Perhaps some of you should try using the optimism you had for the PS3 when it was being trounced last year, for the 360 this year. The HD battle has gone in phases, this is Sony's turn to lead but next year the roles will swap once again.