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Destroyer_of_knights said:

WTF dude, your contradict your self, you say that you don't like HD games because they are dumbed down, too arcady and easy, and then proceed to praise Nintendo despite the wii being further dumbed down from the HD games, having tons of easy arcady games designed for the non gamers, and well it's just full of party mini games.

I can understand if you like the wii and it's games, but it's saying stuff like this makes you lose all credibility.

Core games on consoles are arcade games that try to be core games and fail in it. HD consoles do have pure arcade games just like I wrote and thats what console games should be anyway, imo.

Destroyer_of_knights said:

Now just because you have this backwards idea that a console should just play game and nothing more doesn't mean others feel the same, their is nothing wrong with having these other functions, after all we live in a world were devices do more than one thing, it's just convinient, and the Iphone proves this, otherwise it would have let me ask you, what's so wrong about the HD consoles having all these media options added on top of gaming?

Did you miss few 'I think's and imo? Anyway, calm down. :)