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When I first got my Wii, I got it with just trauma center.  I ended up getting an extra wiimote and nunchuck within a week, and also Excite Truck and Monkey Ball in pretty short order.  I bought it the week after launch for retail. 

I've been waiting for the MS to truly address the 360 reliability issue, or improve their support for the issue. Even this weekend, people still reported getting broken units back from Microsoft.

In lieu of getting a 360, I now own a huge pile of Wii games (I don't even know how many -- I purchased 4 in the last 7 days) and just picked up a DS-lite yesterday. I won't be getting a 360 anytime soon now, since I have more games than I know what to do with, but I will probably be reevaluating whether to get a 360 or a PS3 at some point next spring.