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Ahh ok but after reading that, doesn't it make sense there will be over head? If you have to add in additional code to use a "new" feature that has to track motion, of course some sort of cycles will be needed. In other words, it's stating the proverbial obvious.

So yeah, Natal seems to have additional CPU power BUT that does not necessarily translate to better graphics in games. All it means is that the tracking in hardware is done by NATAL. And what about the additional feature of voice recognition?

So I can see a minor over head for the additional tracking of motion in the Sony Wand but I doubt it's going to result in a severe degradation of graphics. We will see. I can see NATAL probably having little or no effect on the visual quality of 360 games, which is a great thing.

We are all making some pretty big assumptions here. To me, the more important question is how each system is going to work in practice, how they work for how they are designed, rather than all this "gleaned" impact on the hardware they are matched to.

Again, strategically speaking, I reckon Sony and MS seriously missed the boat here. Can't see either being a raging success. You don't go splitting your userbase down the middle like that. I think both will fail from a user base penetration point of view. But I hope I am wrong.