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Personally this generation I think devs are missing the point. On PS360 devs are just trying to push hardware and not really caring about innovating or really upping the gameplay at all. I'ts last generation games with next generation graphics. A gimmick that dies early.

While devs on the Wii seem to be forgetting that the wiimote is not an excuse to do nothing else in the game. Devs seem to say hey as long as we use the wiimote we don't need to innovate anywhere else in gameplay or up the graphics cause that's what they really want. Another gimmick that has worn off quickly.

Devs for PS360 need to up the graphics and really start differentiating gameplay wise there games from the 6th generation. Otherwise people will get tired of playing the same thing over and over again. Same with devs for Wii need to look more into using the hardware to the fullest and using the wiimote to the fullest and not just in a gimmicking fashion. We want to see more games like Galaxy and Zack and Wiki which gives 2 good sides of an opposite spectrum.