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Pk9394 said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
Pk9394 said:
just my opinion, developer need to invent new gameplay over graphic. Especially the ones constantly milk on first person shooter, this gener will be in serious trouble because its basically the same game with a different coating of makeup, with the mass flooding of FPS we get every month soon people will realize its the same game kind of game that offer nothing new, and will grow tired of playing it.

See I'm actually getting tired of people making things "new" and claiming it to be the next revelation. I will buy ton's of RPG's that are "solid" and just stick to a great formula. First person shooters are fine and dandy and still have plenty of useable content that makes them great. I mean honestly look at halo, a very solid formula that happens to be very standard and very basic, but the game is met with huge success and considered to be a very enjoyable game.

I'm not doubting on current FPS success, right now it is at its peak, but imagine a continue flood of it to few a years down the road???. Gamers will always demand something new and refreshing, I for myself is constantly seeking for something new and refreshing to keep me interested.

I do like some mindless shooting frenzy playing UT and Quake multiplayer online.

I only like JRPG, open ended D&D type never appealing to me. I got hook on RPG ever since the day of Dragon Warrior on NES but year after year of scrolling throw menus I got bore of it, then came the refreshing gameplay of Panzer Dragoon Saga. I dont know about others but I actually like FFXII more than FFX or FFIX, its a refreshing gameplay maybe because I was hooked on playing FFXI. Both share a very similiar gameplay.

 Yeah but franchises are generally HUGE sucesses. And franchises aren't generally popular by releaseing a completely different game each time. There are of course exceptions but as a general rule franchises are story driven, and or graphically updated with minor tweaks. 

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