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That price is somewhat exorbitant for what is being offered. I doubt I will be purchasing them. Thats how you voice protest you simply do not buy the product in question. However its not merely Microsoft taking consumers to the cleaners with Micro transactions. The Virtual Console for Nintendo is none too cheap for retread past games. I have played Sony games online, and they are strong advocates of micro transactions. Basically forcing their players to buy additional content to actually be competitive in their gaming worlds.

There are no saints to be found in this area. Microsoft is no worse or better then the other two. That said its a value call on the part of consumers. I would have considered it if all three maps would enhance my big team battle experience my preferred mode. However I would only get one map. I am not a terrible fan of the ranked matches, and I hardly experiment with the forge. The result would be one map for ten dollars hardly the bargain I am looking for.

Another poster said it best wait a few months, and get it for free. Would have been nice if Microsoft had given us a free pack or had made it a more reasonable price. Oh well your not going to get everything you want.