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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Johann said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
This is the best Aonuma quote since "Link's Awakening is the quintessential isometric Zelda." I love this guy. He seems to share my tastes exactly.

For me, the 3-D Zeldas have each been better than the last, but nobody has seemed to notice 'cuz they're all in love with the first 3-D game of every franchise: Mario 64, Ocarina, and FF7.

I think you're the last person in the world who should  be talking about Nostalgia not clouding your judgement, Rubang.

You practicaly live in the 8 bit era, despite the 16 bit era being better in almost every way.

The 16 bit era is better in every way, but the 8 bit era is more important!  It's the whole evolution vs. revolution thing.

And it's happening again with the Wii being the new NES, and shaking up the whole industry.  Next gen is going to be the Super Wii Entertainment System, and blow everything away.

Not if Sony and MS have anything to say about it.  Remember, the Super NES had dominance because it followed the most successful console of all time.  The Wii is going to be followed up by a Nintendo console with virtually no third party support and a still unproven Nintendo hold in the market.  Plus, we don't even know what direction Nintendo is going to go (focus on graphics, focus on 'waggle', focus on balancing the two, create a whole new gaming platform, etc).

Six upcoming games you should look into: