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My PS3 has been freezing frequently ever since the 3.10 update. By frequently I mean once every three and a half to four hours. Pretty bad. This happens with any game I run, and I've read in other websites it's happening with movies too. Anyone else having this problem?

I find this extremely ironic since this is the update that's supposed to have the error report in it for freezing and crashing. Even more ironic is that these freezes can only be recovered by switching off the power switch in the back, which doesn't let you send the error report for the freezing which the error report firmware update caused.

Not happy.

Edit: I've found through various testing of my own and checking around other forums that the freezing is indeed a result of the firmware update and if you have it garaunteed to happen under certain conditions in certain games. For example four or more hidden blade assassinations in ACII within a couple of seconds will always make it freeze.

If you haven't updated yet, DO NOT UPDATE!