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HappySqurriel said:
rocketpig said:
I'll never understand the Ubi hate that some members of this forum have for the company. Other than Capcom, I can't think of a huge publisher that has a better ratio of high-quality games than Ubi. Sure, some of their ports suck but overall, they're pretty solid, especially when you consider how many games the company produces a year.

Ubisoft is a pretty sloppy company, and most of their best games tend to have some very noticeable flaws ...

True, but rarely do they put out a complete turd. I tend to enjoy almost all of their games, flaws or not.

Take for example Assassin's Creed. Could the game have been better? Absolutely. But given the radical new gameplay elements and immersive environments found in the game, I'll cut them a little slack for repetitive quests and "Abre Los Ojos" storyline. Overall, it's a damned fine game that moves the genre forward. 

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