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Onyxmeth said:
twesterm said:
Onyxmeth said:
ctalkeb said:
twesterm said:

But Tetris has been improved beyond just play control.

  • You can now hold blocks
  • Some modes have items
  • T-spins
  • Ghosting
  • Sliding
  • Multiplayer
  • different game modes (push on DS is genius)

But are those really improvements, or are they like adding machine guns to chess?

Some of these are just ways to make the game easier. Essentially they're no more of an improvement than a health bar in Contra would be.

I admit, some of those are pretty minor, but they are still improvements that helpy greatly.

  • holding blocks - COMPLETELY changes things
  • T-spins - another pretty significant change if you can do them, especially in multiplayer
  • sliding - essentially means you don't die

And don't get me wrong, I agree that Tetris is a near perfect game that people will still be playing in 100 years and probably still be close to the same thing.

My point is that I think all three of those things have made Tetris worse, not better. Each had made the game just a little bit easier.

Hmm, I agree sliding made it worse (I hate in multiplayer games the people that will just slide for five minutes trying not to die) but I think holding was a HUGE step forward that added a layer and t-spins are just fun.