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stof said:
It's not an argument. It's a statement. people that think saying "that's gay" is acceptable and in no way related to homophobia need to grow the hell up.

"I'm arguing that it is no longer necessarily attached to the original homophobic meaning" Are you stating that the millions of homophobic people don't use it as an insult then? Or are you saying the two "meanings" of insult can coexist quite well, and we should offer the benefit of doubt that when a person uses gay as an insult they're probably just an immature teenager, as opposed to one of the millions of people that are prejudiced towards gays?

To say you think gay is an acceptable term for an insult is to turn a really blind eye to the fact that gays themselves are still struggling for acceptance.

Well said. People argueing in this thread that it's replaced the word stupid are stupid. Use the word stupid, I know what that word means. If it has replaced the word then where do people think it came from, why did it replace it? A word of originating from a derogative meanings is still that. I'm not going to try and turn a racist word (maybe the 'N' word) into something like that am I now what makes it acceptable with the word gay used in such a mannor?

I do have a foundness for correcting people when they use 'gay' in this manner, though. Normally asking them if they mean it's happy or have an attractive to the same sex.

Hmm, pie.