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ckmlb said:
twesterm said:
Hmm, if they call VII an improvement from VI and then continued on with the VII style I really don't know how excited I can be for XIII improving from XII.

I'm sick and tired of the FF VI elitists, yes we get it, in your opinion FF went down the crapper after FF VI (Ironically most of the people I hear this from are Nintendo fans, crazy coincidence huh?). On another note by your statement's logic you should at least give FF XIII a chance since it's changing directions (or so they claim) from the last FF games which you apparently so dislike.


First off, I really don't care what system FFVI was for-- I just think it's awesome (though not perfect). And yes, I do believe that FF games have been steadily going downhill since VIII. If you pay attention, I actually don't mind VII. I don't think it's the hot shit that everyone says it is, but I'm not going to flame people and tell people to keep their opinons to themselves (*hint hint* hunter_alien).

Also, just in general response to several people-- I much prefer the 2D or even semi-3D games than the full move to 3D that FFVII did. It was a huge leap but it doesn't change the fact it looked like shit.

Lastly, you're right, FFXIII could be an improvement and I seriously hope it is but I'm really not going to hold my breathe on that. Since VIII, the games have been getting progressively worse (though some were valiant efforts) and they've focused less on story and character development and focused more on making the game as close to a movie as possible. With everything I've seen of XIII I have no reason to believe they are going against this tradition.

I'm sure the game will be beautiful, I'm sure it will sell well on the PS3, and I have no hopes of it coming to the 360 as it has been stated multiple times it isn't. That said, I think it's just going to be another disaster in terms of wishing for a good game. I can hope by improvement they mean not being the piece of crap that XII was, but I'm guessing by improvement they really do mean graphical standards and they will just continue to use the same exact characters over and over again and just make a giant fan service.