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ckmlb said:
twesterm said:
Hmm, if they call VII an improvement from VI and then continued on with the VII style I really don't know how excited I can be for XIII improving from XII.

I'm sick and tired of the FF VI elitists, yes we get it, in your opinion FF went down the crapper after FF VI (Ironically most of the people I hear this from are Nintendo fans, crazy coincidence huh?).

Naaa , the saga IMO went down the crapper after FF7 but FF6 was the best game in the serie ( just my taste obviously ).


 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.