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ckmlb said:
twesterm said:
Hmm, if they call VII an improvement from VI and then continued on with the VII style I really don't know how excited I can be for XIII improving from XII.

I'm sick and tired of the FF VI elitists, yes we get it, in your opinion FF went down the crapper after FF VI (Ironically most of the people I hear this from are Nintendo fans, crazy coincidence huh?). On another note by your statement's logic you should at least give FF XIII a chance since it's changing directions (or so they claim) from the last FF games which you apparently so dislike.

I don't really believe that. I think you just assume that, since it was on the SNES. It would be the same as insisting 3D FF fans must be Sony fans as well.

It could just as likely be that those who hate VII onward either have honest opinions, or maybe that they are 2D gaming fans, regardless of the system. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs