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vlad321 said:
iWarMachine said:
Boutros said:
dsister44 said:
Boutros said:
Am I the only one seeing a Naughty Dog hate (maybe not hate but disregard) on that list?

They have two games up there. Jak III shouldn't be anywhere near that list.Half of Rare's catalogue should be up there

But where's Jak and Daxter, Jak II, Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2 and Uncharted?

They all deserve to be on that list (imo).

Crash Bandicoot, Uncharted and Jak & Daxter series should be there...all of them...even CTR.

wtf ? MGS4 at #108? below GEARS OF WAR!?


MGS4 SHOULD BE in the top 100 best movies and easily in the top 50 of games...and this is coming from a guy that is a movie fan and a gamer.

MGS4 is a HORRIBLE movies which can be summed up with one word: "NANOBOTS!" and it's not a god game because it had fucking 10 hours of retarded cutscenes. It basicaally forced me to waste 10 hours of my time watching a shit movie. Granted it hd some pretty cool gameplay in between though. Definitely not cool enough to redeem itself of 10 hours worth of shit. To illustarted how wasted my time felt, I can watch all 3 Godfather movies in those 10 hours. That's how cheated I felt like.

I too am a movie fan, and I can tell you that if you liked the MGS4 then you should never call yourself a movie fan. 

Ok stop saying that MGS4 is "horrible". It's just your opinion and frankly no one cares considering the game was widely acclaimed.

You're a minority and you're not showing an objective view point by saying that MGS4 is "horrible".

Trying adding some "in my opinion" in your posts.