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grandmaster192 said:
I would like to hear some opinions. What game do you guys think is better? Please, give me a real opinion. Don't just pick Galaxy because of review scores. Based on what you have played so far, what game is better out of the two? Super Mario Sunshine―the greatest 3d platformer of all-time―is the better game. First of, in my opinion, the level designs in sunshine where better than the ones in Galaxly. Furthermore, the game was more challenging, offering better boss fights and clever traps. The platforming in Sunshine was also more fun. Plus, the overall gameplay was alot deeper, as the controls where more complex and had more depth. comparsion.

Galaxy is the much, much better game. It's just....ugh. 

Everything. Everything is better.

Sunshine is like "collect coins & spray goo to win the game olol" and Galaxy is an wonderfully diverse platformer with 40 different & unique worlds, where you're always doing something different.

Boss fights? What did Sunshine have? Petey Pirhana? Twice? That squid where you pull the legs off? Galaxy has waaay better bosses then 64 & Sunshine combined.

SMG has a nice difficulty level that ramps up quite nicely. And it gives you checkpoints for areas where you might die. (LOVE THAT FEATURE....I can't believe they didn't put it in 64 or Sunshine)

Sunshine's difficulty level can get just plain frustrating at times. It's not even fun. There's one level where you have to climb this massive tower to kill this mole that is throwing bombs, and the water is all toxic and purple. Anyway, when you get to the top, one easy mistep sends you ALL THE WAY back at the bottom of the lake. You have to swim underwater (to avoid the evil toxic sludge) and then climb alllll the way back up the massive tower.


And there's another level where there's a toxic lake, and you need to fall onto this leaf and then push it around the water with FLuDD, and make you don't fall in the lake. If you DO fall in the lake...oops! Too late. You cannot jump out. All you can do is slowly watch Mario act like an idiot and lose his 8 heart points.

But yeah, Galaxy is so much better. So much better. Galaxy is like a 9.9 game and Sunshine is like an 8.5 game...ew.

Yep, it's no comparsion.

BTW, I only have 20 stars in Sunshine, but that's because I couldn't bare playing it anymore and wasn't interested. I got it this August.  


MontanaHatchet said:
Sunshine is the better one, easily.

How can you not love the proud and noble Delfinos?!


Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker