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Even though there are some great deals on Black Friday. I despise it. With a passion.

Back when i was 18-20 I worked every Black Friday at Wal-Mart.

The last one I experienced was by far the worst one. I arrived at 5:45am to show up for work and there was a crowd of about 400+ people gathered around the front doors. So I snake my way through the crowd so i can get inside and start working and selling these idiots cheap, crappy products. I get most of the way through the crowd when some 40 year old hag starts yelling "cutter cutter, don't let him cut, someone stop him!" I turned to the lady and said "If you want to buy anything in electronics this morning you'll need me to get the item you want." She then said, "well, you better not be lying, I don't see your costume to work here. I need to get 'some cheap ass dvd player' that was $29." So I pulled out my sporty blue vest, show it to her, and then make my way to the door. It took me almost 11 minutes to snake through the crowd after that evil witch tried to start a riot. A few of my other co-workers saw her try to pull that with me and lets just say we happened to "run out of" those DVD players when she ran up to the counter to get one. She was ticked, and I felt better, even though I had about 20 in the back at that point. :) Later after my first break, one of my co-workers told me that she had hid some items on her that she was looking for so she didn't get those items. I'm not a morning person and you don't try to make someone's work day miserable for your own greedy reasons.

Ever since then, I have had a hatred for that day and shopping in general. A few years ago I did attempt to go to a best buy to get a few cheap DVD-r's and other little things that weren't a huge deal, but once I saw how big the line was, I just put everythign down and left. Came back later that day and didn't have to deal with the lines and still got what I wanted for a good price.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.