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kowenicki said:

The alligned launches is a red herring anyone with half an analytical brain knows this.

To say that they will pull out on the 360 is idiotic. The 360 currently makes money, the PS3 still doesnt.

The 360 is an extremely succesful console and has killed Sony market share.... it is simply a runaway success.

"Witness to all the bad things done by MS"?.... Do you ignore the bad things done by Sony then?

I have difficulty taking seriously people that have an advert with a price tag in their sig. Sorry.

actually m$ is losing money on the xbox division, and no it is no idiotic to say they will pull it out, what did they do to the original because it did not do as well as they wanted it to, plus it was bleeding money.

sony has done their own evil things i admit, no one can forget the DRE, but all electronic devices have a failure rate, and none of the other companines fix your faulty products for free, yes it is not fair, but thats how things work when you are a business.

P.S whats wrong with advertising the product you support, especially seen it is a great quality product a such a great price??


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