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kowenicki said:

maybe so.... but that means the gap is still 5.5m... thats a hefty gap and is exactly where we started when the PS3 launched over 3 years ago. people forget this.

i have not forgotten i know that because i was one of the few that actually bought a ps3 when it was released, yes xbox 360 has had some good sales since then, but now sales for the ps3 are picking up quite a bit now, just watch how many ps3's get sold when ff releases in japan, not to mention gt5 will give it a nice boost 2.

still on average ps3 has sold more consoles in in's first three years compared to xbox 360, that alone tells how this all is going to end out, m$ will lose again, eventually, but before that even happens they will put out the xbox 360, which is unfair to all the users that ever bought it.

i will apologise if they don't pull out the xbox 360, but i have been the witness to many bad things all done by m$

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