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I personally thought he had some good points, and I respect his input on the subject. I will say we've had tons of these :) If this is a re-cap of folly's I'll make it breif ( 360 breaks 100% of the time because of RROD, All wii games are kiddy and involve waggling, and ps3 had NO games, costs to much, and has features no one cares about) <- sarcasm folks :D. Anyways back on topic, I still agree with common logic, if the system doesn't offer what you want, don't buy it. Sony's "arrogance" just put out a damn nice machine that does amazing things for my living room, I use the Bluray drive, I play ps3 games, I store media (and stream it to my psp ;) ), and I'm currently connected via wi-fi. Definately the system for me.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.