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Esmoreit said:
I started out in 07 right when the console wars heated up and I think that is were most of the nostalgia-laments are coming from. With Wii and PS3 out of the gate the forums were on fire and threads/flamewars were created left and right.

This meant that the gaming and sales section filled up like Rosie O'Donnel in an all you can eat buffet with threads and members. New ones like me attracted by fighting, spurred on by the (comedic) older gents who knew their way around the forum and the flamewars.

Likewise, the Off-topic section was more of a save heaven free from fighting where everyone could get merry. Some of the most epic threads were created at that time (the tossing salad thread still brings a smile to my face) and so the off topic section grew in popularity if not in topics created per hour but rather in chatter and getting to know one another apart from being a raging fanboy.

Now that the console wars died down the forums have changed. It's more easy-going, with lesser new members going in and the vast majority of the old guard staying to discuss the details. This also has its effect on the off topic section.

Not to say this place is dead. In the last year, if memory serves me right the demotivator thread was created, RCT's "Most attractive user" threads lasted 4 frigging rounds and in general had between 500 and a 1000 replies. Both the signing up thread and the contest itself. The mafia threads are now still spurring replies etc... it's still kicking only not as heavy as it used to be. But as long as the occasional gem is created ("Need gay dating advice!") we certainly will live...

lol i agree tho off topic was the shit back in those times now it's a borefest