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RolStoppable said:
grandmaster192 said:
I would like to hear some opinions. What game do you guys think is better? Please, give me a real opinion. Don't just pick Galaxy because of review scores. Based on what you have played so far, what game is better out of the two? Super Mario Sunshine―the greatest 3d platformer of all-time―is the better game. First of, in my opinion, the level designs in sunshine where better than the ones in Galaxly. Furthermore, the game was more challenging, offering better boss fights and clever traps. The platforming in Sunshine was also more fun. Plus, the overall gameplay was alot deeper, as the controls where more complex and had more depth.

I've beat both games with all stars/shines and I've beat Super Mario 64 with all stars on the N64 and DS. Each game several times with all stars, besides Galaxy, that one only two times so far. Don't blame me, it's only out since Friday. I am also one of the few people who liked Sunshine better than SM64.

Now for the actual comparison of Sunshine and Galaxy:

Galaxy has the better and more challenging level design, plus Galaxy has vastly more different levels. According to a later post of yours in this thread, you haven't even beat half of Galaxy, so why do you think you can judge this game already?

There are tons more of boss fights in Galaxy than in Sunshine and they are also individually better. The traps and obstacles you encounter especially in the later levels of the game bests everything Sunshine had to offer.

The platforming in Galaxy is way more fun because there is so much of it. Sunshine's levels were mostly flat and the best parts of the game (levels you play without FLUDD) were few compared to what Galaxy offers.

The overall gameplay of Sunshine wasn't that much more complex. In both games you use mainly 2 buttons, in Sunshine A and R, in Galaxy A and Z. You are able to use FLUDD in various ways, but that's offset by Galaxy's various alternate forms of Mario. A game doesn't have more depth just because you have to use more buttons.

 Yes, this. The resident super-platformer world beater has said it thus it is so. And Rol didn't even mention the music (not that the OP did either).