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Having read most of the infomation Edge has printed on God of War III, I'm expecting an 8/10 for that game (possibly even a 7, so fanboys get those fingers ready).  They just don't seem particularly taken with it....every other 10 I can think of has pushed its genre forward or innovated in some way, I don't see how a game criticised at preview level for feeling like more of the same is going to get the coveted 10.

Using the 'Edge 10' template, Bayonetta has to be a simply stunning game to not stick out like a sore thumb in a list that consists only of (I think):

Mario 64

Gran Turismo

Zelda: OOT


Half Life 2

Halo 3

Orange Box

Super Mario Galaxy




Personally I'd only rate 5 of those games at 10/10, but at the same time there are very few existing games that I feel should join the list.


I was a bit puzzled this morning when I saw the scores, because the early videos of Bayonetta I've seen have looked, well, sickening, but I'm going to trust Edge and pre-order it.  I'm itching to play a third-person brawler that they think is better than Xbox Ninja Gaiden.  Hopefully it's pushing the envelope with more than its breasts.