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You know what will be interesting and (somewhat) sad in the near future ...

Being that many of the critics of the Wii's processing capabilities are also the same people who argued that graphics weren't all that important when Nintendo had an advantage over Sony with the Gamecube and N64, I suspect that in the not-too-distant future when Nintendo releases their next console these same critics will be amazingly critical of it regardless of what Nintendo produces. While few critics would admit it, I think there is a long standing resentment of Nintendo that started in the SNES generation because of their unwillingness to embrace violent videogames on the scale that many (most of which now no longer exist and independent entities) publishers did.

 To make matters worse, the Wii receives additional criticism in a large part because Nintendo's success doesn't come from "Repairing" their relationship with these critics, but comes from appealing to a new audience that the critics always believed would eventually come around to seeing things their way. For generations many gamers believed that the way to convert non-gamers into gamers was to offer bigger, more complicated games with epic storylines and great visuals; and Nintendo gaining so much attention from these gamers with smaller, simpler games with no storyline and "obsolete" graphics is really a slap in the face of everything these gamers believe.