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Ugh, this thread was made to fail.

I'm constantly amazed at how good the Xbox360 lineup is.

Rock Band, Halo 3, Mass Effect, BioShock, Orange Box, Call of Duty 4. All within a 3-4 month period. Bam. That's an amazing lineup, and while I do think it's important to remember the 360 is ending its second year instead of its first, that may be the best lineup ever for any console in that short a time span.

That lineup has exactly one weakness, and that weakness is very important: it is incredibly narrow in its focus. If you don't like blowing stuff up, the entire lineup is worthless to you save Rock Band, which is on every other platform right now, save Wii (Which we can assume will receive its own iteration at some point). The 360 wants the 16-30 male demographic, and it hammers that demographic as hard as it possibly can.

So yeah, I just went off on a tangent there. But I can tell you this: the moral of the story is that the lineups for the other systems aren't weak, nor will they likely be so until they are replaced by their technological progeny 4-5 years from now.">">