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Kill the rumor, next GoW will still be an Xbox 360 exclusive

If you follow gaming news, you can't get away from it. Countless rumors and speculation all hoping to see the Xbox 360 blockbuster title war over to the PS3. It's not going to happen so let's kill the rumor. Here's why.
We'll start with the old and end with the new. The rumor train was ignited when Epic Games boss, Mark Rein said at TGS, "If there were a next Gears of War, that will be for the next console generation." After his statement, the gaming media began speculation on what he meant. Some said Mr. Rein was hinting at a multiplatform release for the next title and others thought he meant the next cycle of consoles. Both assumptions were wrong.
After those remarks sent the internet into an upheaval, Eurogamer met up with Mark asking him to clarify himself. Mr. Rein then made it perfectly clear and said he misspoke and if Gears of War three existed and were to be released in the next four to five years, it would indeed be on this generation of consoles. Note, he never said a multiplatform release, but this the seventh generation of consoles.
Four to five years actually makes sense as this generation is shaping up to be the longest running in the history of the industry. Microsoft and Sony have yet to make a profit on their respective systems and no one wants to go full throttle into another generation without at least recouping what was lost. It's only common sense; Microsoft is set to release Project Natal which according to them will be launched as if it were a next gen console, and Sony will release the Wand sometime in spring of next year all in an effort to lengthen the life of both the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Rein wanted everyone to know that Gears of War 3 will be on the software giant's flagship console. Why? Because it don't make sense to jump ship, leave behind millions of fans and start afresh with a new base in the same generation. Gears of War sold almost six million units (5.91 million), while Gears of War II sold roughly same amount as the original (5.23 million).
So as we stated earlier, the best must be saved for last, this one really hammers down some 10-inch nails into the rumor's coffin.
Yesterday it was announced that Microsoft is hiring 54 talented people, most of whom will join the Project Natal team and 343 industries. Interestingly enough, a few good men out of the pack will be chosen to lead some pretty big titles.
Microsoft Game studios is seeking a highly experienced lead producer who will work with Epic to "drive the success of Gears of War", a new job advert has revealed. This according to develop.
And there you have it, there's no way MS will be funding development of the next Gears of War only to have it go multiplatform. The rumor's dead, let's all move on.