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Carl2291 said:
selnor said:
Carl2291 said:
selnor said:
^ seriously guys cmon. This is what politicians do. Side track the discussion for personal vendetta to take stage. Ive heard no reasons from you why you think Natal will not play a big roll in this gen, with how M$ are approaching it's launch. Just attacks. Imagine if everyone attacked everyone who predicted KZ2 to be PS3 saviour. That was worse than any prediction I made. And some of you slating me made those presdictions.

We are not sidetracking the discussion.

Nobody said Natal wont play a major part, i just disagree it will be as big as you say it will be. Just like the PS3 motion controls.

Then why attack? Why not post these thoughts and reasons? That would have been much better to everyone and the website. Hell I dont critise the hundreds of people on this site who state x year is the year for PS3 to reign king every year because I think there current prediction is wrong. I say why I disagree. The site is full of major FAIL threads for PS3 is king after x game or Y year. Over and over these predictions fall massively. So why gang up on a 360 loving forum user? I am by far nowhere near the level of these sorts of people in predictions.

Who attacked? If i "attacked" you i would be banned already. You are the one who started "attacking" by calling Feylic a stealth troll. I simply bookmarked another one of your seemingly laughable predictions. Which was much easier than actually going into specifics.

And for the past 2 years, in terms quality software, it HAS been the year of the PS3.

And PS3 predictions DO get laughed at. Just go look at the "GT5 20 million sales?" thread. I laughed at the guy who said that too.

Interesting that you say I attack when he's been stealth attacking for over a year now on one person. Hmmmmmm. My point was you did nothing to counter my claim with any thoughts of your own. Just picking on someone to try and discredit an opinion.