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Dodece said:
Honestly Sony made a number of monumental mistakes. None of which are terribly original. Other console manufacturers have made these very same mistakes. Anyone on this forum can list off the dozen problems with the PS3 console and its launch. The console has a myriad of problems associated with it. Almost like Sony decided to repeat as many mistakes as possible.

Lets count them shall we.

Late launch, price, architecture, proprietary format, development tools, advertising, superfluous features, production, public relations, launch lineup, competition, exclusivity.

On all those fronts Sony screwed up with aces. The only thing that has saved this console is the name, and serious financial backing. Without those two critical features this console would be on the short list for the console that died the fastest. That said Sony has a plethora of issues to resolve, and some of them can never be resolved. For instance you never get a chance at a second launch, and you cannot rebuild your console innards once it has gone to market.

I think when you tear away the console to its earliest beginnings you will see the true flaw. They developed a console built around multifaceted domination rather then a linear KISS philosophy. Keep it simple stupid is a fine design philosophy. Focus on doing one or two things well, and if later design choices in any way hinder that those choices must be omitted from the final design.

This is where all the mistakes have their root. Had the scope of the machine been directed with one goal in mind then it would have done much better. I have mentioned this before but HBO put out a movie a few years back named The Pentagon Wars. I highly recommend that many on these forums take time to watch this movie, and you can see exactly how a lack of rigid design philosophy can hamper any projects development.

 I definatley agree with what you have said. Didn't really look into all those other things, but they definately helped to add to the situation