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Euphoria14 said:
DirtyP2002 said:
ZorroX said:
ethomaz said:
kowenicki said:

This huge ps3 > 360 gap predicted by many isnt materialising.... I'm thinking fairly even outside Japan this holidays. could be wrong.

Next week the gap will be increasing to about 100k again.

My preliminary prediction:

360: 280k
PS3: 380k

GAP: +100k PS3

360 has no MW2 bundle and no Walmart gift next week.


uber said:

sony needs to jump on the offensive and do something to put MS away for the year. the black friday sales i'm hearing about are great, but i think they really need to respond with a week long promotion to take away MS's momentum.

LoL, what momentum? It ended by itself, since that was only 1 week deal for 99$. And MW2 bundles, well, all hardcore MW2 fans would buy it on first week. There is NO momentum on x360, just one week(technically 2, since 99$ one week deal started on Saturday) spike.

I demand a one week ban for everyone saying it was $99. You had to pay $199 (!!!) and got a $100 giftcard. You can basically say it was bundled with two games. When the PS3 was $399 it was bundled with Resistance 2 and Fifa 09 (the latest at that time) in some shops. So nobody said it was already $279 back then.

You had to use that $100 on XBox related items? I ask this because I am sure many, if not everyone in this thread could easily find something else to spend the $100 on. Like food, christmas shopping, toilet paper, candles, etc...

So while it wasn't exactly a $99 XBox360 and/or pricecut, for someone like me it would be a $99 360 because I have plenty of things I would have spent the extra $100 on, like clothing, food, etc... for my daughter. So in the end, yes, for me it would have been a $99 360 Arcade.

Am I wrong?

Yes, indeed! 

If you want to stretch it, as WalMart offer is "pay 200, get 300 value", it's like you get XB360 for $133 and then other stuff worth $100 for $66, You have to pay those $199 and then you get $100 worth of other things, you can't get your $100 back, even if you want. It's a 3x2 offer, plain and simple, you can have your 33% discount, but on at least 3 items, you can't get it on a single item. But a very good one, undeniably, as normally you can get offers like that on soap, snacks, soft drinks, shampoo, toothpaste, etc, but you seldom get it on consoles (although spending even more on a large TV you can get even more expensive gifts, but you get it, you receive a big gift if you spend an even bigger sum).

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!