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Actually, that receiver image above... (the horrible blue over lit one after the PS3) was at my parent's house for a good two years when I was out of state (early 2002- late 2003). They live in an old farmhouse led by a stone drive and surrounded by 300 acre of fields that get regular crop rotations. Oh, and my parents don't have A/C. It's isn't all that bad, they leave windows open and the cross breeze tends to keep things pretty cool... but you know. They actually close the windows when it's time for the farmers to come in and plant the winter wheat or seed in soy beans. If it gets too hot, they pull out a few fans and circulate the cool air around the house. I mean, it makes sense. Why would they want to have two inches of dirt covering everything in the house. That's ludicrous.

My point is, if your going to spend $400-600+ on electronics, your going to take at least some initiative to protect it, unless your an idiot, your looking for something to complain about, or as you pointed out... your getting something in return. ($$)

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

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