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Some of you dont seem to understand that people that live in a rural area, or in an area with dirt roads (there are alot them around me and Im right in the middle of suburban southern california) get ALOT of dust, and it collects fast, also if they are around train tracks or farm equipment or Horses, all that dust is kicked up, and sucked into the house.

My PS3 has been sitting in the same spot for only three months, but it has zero dust on it or in the grills, my 360 is almost 2 years old and only has a tiny portion of dust in its fans.

My friend lives by an open field with horses, and a train track and has a dirt road leading to his house, his 360 needs to be blasted out every month, and it has ALOT of dust in and around it.

Personally I find it suspect that all this happened at the onset of the Holiday season just before the PS3 price drops. Sounds more like Guerrilla Marketing to me. You would know it would take some time for Sony to react to a single complaint, it would take more time to get the permission to release the pictures and even more time for those pictures to find all the places where this tool posted his "story"

Which I might add was every website I currently go to for gaming news, and I go to alot.

People read too much into this. I dont see this holier than thou, righteous bull crap about the red rings, or about the flimsy Wii construction.