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BenKenobi88 said:
Eh, not abuse.

My PC moves a lot of air, and a lot of dust collects quickly...I've got a mesh front that I just need to wipe or use canned air...I can see something collecting that much dust...but it's definitely neglect. I mean...all those smudges on the front, too? Very dirty.

I just make sure there's no dust on the front or back of my PC once a week typically...and then once a month or every other month I make sure the inside of my PC is clean...too bad you can't do that with consoles without being super careful or break the warranty.

 You made me curious, so I ran my camera phone around the house.  Apprently I must not be a dirty person compared to what some of you are describing.

PS3: (moved once, but never really cleaned it besides wiping off the top as seen later)  I bought it last December.

OMG, Cobwebs!

 Not a whole lot of dust on top, but I did wipe it off a few weeks back


Probably irrelivant, but I thought... I wonder what the inside of my reciever looks like that I bought in 2001... (sorry, bad photo... but damn if it's not pretty dust free)

Not too bad!


My PC: (ignore the 6800GT... I'm waiting on the 8800GT to be in stock again) ...

Not too bad...

But I missed a spot:

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting: