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yo but seriously.... do you guys really, really, remember all the, omg slim won't do anything for ps3's, the increase will die after a week, this is just temporary, 360 will be back on top before the years end.................. i wonder what those people are hiding behind. The ps3 will outsell the 360 for the rest of this gen, the only feasible increase the 360 might see is with natal, they have no console pushing software and will get no console pushing software.

And unlike all the people who have a 360 and are buying a ps3, the amount of people buying a 360 who own a ps3 is small..... i don't plan on getting a 360, don't need 1, But all my 360 friends are getting ps3's. and to think Sony has yet to release it's heavy hitters.

the only question now is how long will it take for ps3 to overtake the 360.

but i seriously wish Sony would go unprofessional for like 5 minutes and bash the hell out of everyone who said they were doomed over the years.... like for 5 minutes of E3, go on stage and read some of the ps3 is doomed articles wrote in like 06, 07, and then show what they are doing now, and just laugh. Kevin Butler would own at that.