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Lostplanet22 said:
To prohibit abortions does not stop them. When women feel it is absolutely necessary, they will choose to have abortions--even in secret, without medical care, in dangerous circumstances. In the two decades before abortion was legal in the U.S., it's been estimated that nearly 1 million women per year sought out illegal abortions. Thousands died. Tens of thousands were mutilated. All were forced to behave as if they were criminals.

Women still die from abortions every year. Many others still have major side effects.

Legal abortion not only protects women's lives, it also protects their health. For tens of thousands of women with heart disease, kidney disease, severe hypertension, sickle-cell anemia and severe diabetes and other illnesses that can be life-threatening, the availability of legal abortion has helped avert serious medical complications that could have resulted from childbirth. Before legal abortion, such women's choices were limited to dangerous illegal abortion or dangerous childbirt

On the other end, it doesn't protect the life, rights or health of the fetus.

If there is any matter which is personal and private, then pregnancy is it. There can be no more extreme invasion of privacy than requiring a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. If government is permitted to compel a woman to bear a child, where will government stop? The concept is morally repugnant. It violates traditional American ideas of individual rights and freedoms.

So contraception has no involvement in the process? It's not like women are magically impregnated against their will. Couldn't one argue it's an extreme invasion of privacy of the fetus when it is destroyed via abortion?

Forty percent of 14-year-old girls will become pregnant before they turn 20. This could happen to your daughter or someone else close to you. Here are the critical questions: Should the penalty for lack of knowledge or even for a moment's carelessness be enforced pregnancy and child-rearing? Or dangerous illegal abortion?

Sex isn't a 'moment'. The process of copulation isn't some wild, wacky, unwanted process that people randomly act on. Pregnancy happens in 99% of cases due to the intentional act of sex without protection. No one is arguing forced child-rearing in any case.

And atlast, what if the women have a career? Many can't afford a baby, (they need to be in the store, they have the risk to lose their job).

The wonderful world of adoption awaits. There is a strong correlation between smarter women with more education that give their kids up vs. those that abort. Maybe it'd do the world some good to adopt?

Adoption could help but what if their is no one to adopt the child? What if no one wants your 'african child?) etc..

As stated, there is a 4 year waiting list for children. Someone is there to adopt the child.

Just presenting some opposing arguments

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.