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Kasz216 said:
dorbin2009 said:
HappySqurriel said:
richardhutnik said:
Garnett said:

The Wii doesn't need HD resoultion, it needs non-lazy developers to dev for it.


Look at the Condult, an Excellent looking game.

IF COMPARED TO THE PS2 OR ORIGINAL XBOX.  Do you think The Conduit holds up to any PS3 or 360 top of the line FPS, outside of maybe Halo?

Does any PS3 or XBox 360 game stand up against what is possible on a $2500+ PC today? Are you rushing out to buy a $2500+ PC?

Bad analogy is bad.

The difference is that the Xbox and PS3 can handle most of the titles being played on that 2500 PC , albiet at a lesser quality. The editor is trying to say that some games flat out cannot be made on the Wii.

Or maybe this is another Wii hate conspiracy, though it is getting tiring and slightly annoyinvg that Wii fans insist that these are unfair criticisms made at their system. The Wii has an install base of 50 million +, do you really think a developer is going to avoid making games for it based on semantics?

He's also completly wrong on that point.

When you consider that Modern Warfare 2 has noticeably higher polygonal detail, texture detail, better shader effects, is rendered at a higher resolution (1920x1280 vs. 720p) at a higher framerate (90fps vs 30fps) with better post processing (AA and AF) it is difficult to argue that a high end gaming PC is not as far beyond a the HD consoles today as they're to the Wii. Just look at the comparisons that are available online, and it is (somewhat) reminiscent of the differences between World at War for the Wii vs. the HD consoles last year.,699195/Modern-Warfare-2-PC-vs-Xbox-360-vs-Playstation-3-Der-ultimative-Grafikvergleich-Update-Benchmarks/PC/Special/%3Fmenu%3Dbrowser%26mode%3Dnormal%26browsersize%3Dfullscreen%26article_id%3D699195%26entity_id%3D-1%26image_id%3D1220187%26page%3D1%26order%3D&prev=hp&


My point is that isn't that it makes sense, or is practical, to buy one of these high-end gaming PCs ... In fact I would say my point is the opposite, that since the industry sees so little value in pushing the limits of new hardware and consumers still seem entirely happy with "Obsolete" hardware (Wii, Nintendo DS, iPod/iPhone, PSP and PS2) that the "Need" for more advanced hardware for Nintendo is only in the mind of a small minority of the gaming population.