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Avinash_Tyagi said:
Mummelmann said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Mummelmann said:

Wow, I said all non HD games in history were crap, did I? Where? I happen to think that the best games ever made are mostly all from the early 90's PC era. I'm simply stating that HD is part of the natural development in visual and audiovisual processing. So maybe you don't hate HD but only the idea of games in HD, but why? Are HD movies and HDTV signals also redundant? Of course, many claim that its already "good enough" but where would we be in terms of technology if people sat on their asses and said that all the time instead of pushing forward?
I don't see the offensive article filled with lies that others do, I see a guy saying that HD is the future (and present) and part of a natural development cycle, like color television or broadband internet.
Its just as natural and you can't build and release a console that doesn't take this into consideration and expect no one to point that out.
I know the guy who wrote that piece is usually a troll but he's right about Reggie needing to stop whining, he can't go around pointing fingers at everyone save for his own employer, its not a great big conspiracy, its technology and business (cue Avinash or some others saying "then how come no one makes money on HD consoles...").

  I wasn't going to say that, I was going to say, that if its about business, then isn't it cheaper and easier to put out games with last gen visuals on the Wii?  I mean look at RE4 Wii edition, sold well over a million I believe, and yet its not HD, in fact it was a port with some improvements, That's money in the bank for Capcom, why create the flop that was RE5, on the HD consoles, when they could have made the same game better and cheaper on the Wii?  If you say Wii must have HD, then you must have hated earlier gen games, and if you liked them, then waht is stopping companies from making games like that on the Wii?  If its business, then it should be easy, Wii is cheaper to develop for, and you can probably use assets from earlier gen games to make a Wii game, saving time and money.  Companies do lose a lot of money on the PS3 and 360, for what, so they can make games with shiny graphics?  That's not smart business.

You're a broken record Avinash, and calling Resident Evil 5 a flop makes you look silly, it has sold nearly 5 million on PS360 so far with a small installed base. In comparison (hard to compare directly though), The Conduit on the Wii has sold a measly 300k on by far the biggest installed based (yes, its a new IP but you can hardly call 300k impressive by any measure) and you call RE 5 with 5 million sold a flop? Come on. And did you read the post you quoted? I never said I couldn't enjoy games that aren't HD, like I stated above, the best games ever made (imo) are from the early 90's PC golden era but technology moves forward and I can accept that. HD is a technological advancement as is proper motion controls, in that regard perhaps all three consoles are lacking. Besides; I'm glad I don't play my games in 640X480 with no filters or effects any more, its only natural to move forwards. Why not have both HD and motion controls? Cars advance all the time from the T-ford, making them safer, more sturdy and with better handling and comfort, that doesn't mean we shouldn't also refine the engines and make them more efficent as well. And when you can't see anything other than "games with shiny graphics" as if that's all there is to offer on the HD consoles I don't see much reason to take you and your posts very seriously to be honest.

A flop compared to RE4, which sold over 6 million, and was cheaper to make, hence more profits.

Yeah, I can understand tech moving forward, but when the market doesn't want to move forward at the same pace, as shown by the Wii sales, then the companies need to realize that and move as the market wants, if the Market isn't ready for a new type of engine, you have to slow down and stick to the old kind or make something more in between.

I have to agree with him. Avinash, you're a broken record. Why do you waste your time writing such nonsense? We regularly see articles where company X declares that it's hardest to score a hit on the Wii. You're having what's called an 'attached-argument'. No matter what anyone tells you your just going to keep spewing up this BS.

EDIT: People like you just love using the exception (RE4) to prove your own rules.