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Avinash_Tyagi said:

About the dancing goombas and turtles, they are messing me up. Over twenty years of being used to the goomba and turtle timing and as I fall in from the sky, precisely aimed to connect with their heads as they pass under, they do a little jig and throws off my timing so slightly that I end up landing right in front of them (and they attack me!). I see the dancing turtles and goombas as something more than *cute* but as their most sinister attack yet. A dancing turtle is a bigger threat to me than the Hammer Brothers are. The Hammer Brothers don’t dance and do not throw off my timing!

Although this addition fires up other possibilities. What if in Super Mario Brothers 6 you come to the first goomba but the goomba, in an evil stroke, decides to jump at you?! I’d be “WTF”, and laughing because the Goomba scared the hell out of me by doing something very non-Goomba like.


A goomba that tries to jump on you would actually be kind of cool

Yeah but they would have to give him some kind of device to help him jump. Maybe a wind-up boot? And if you knock him out you could jump in the boot itself! That could be so awesome. I guess it would just be too hard to implement.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229