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souixan said:
twesterm said:
Something fishy is going on here. Either that guy lied about how clean his console was, that isn't his console, or they made his console dirtier. Lets look at each thing.

The guy lied
If I've learned anything from House it's that everybody lies. This guy could just be stretching the truth about how clean he was, but if that is the case, you would think he knows that his console is that dirty. Why would he fight so hard for such a dirty console and even go as far as making a big spiel on the internet? Also, why would anyone be dumb enough to send a console that dirty? I don't like conspiracy theories, but I have trouble believing the guy would send in a console that dirty.

That Isn't His Console
Nobody is perfect and his console could have been switched on accident with another one. As unlikely as this sounds, to me, this sounds like the most likely thing. I wonder if the guy was smart enough to write down his serial number.

Sony Made It That Dusty
Like I said, I don't like conspiracy theories but something isn't sitting right about this whole thing. The guy had to go through a lot of trouble to get those pictures and yeah, the PS3 is a dust magnet, but I really don't think it would get that bad letting it sit in an entertainment center for a year. That really looks like Sony set it on a patch of dirt and took a leaf blower to it because I just can't see any way the console could get that dusty.

So yeah, all three don't really seem likely but it has to be one of those. As unlikely as it is, the second seems the most likely but still that's just odd.


About the him telling a lie part, I have a friend who works tech support for a company that shall remain nameless. You'd be shocked the things people do.. I've personally seen DVD trays broken(in 2006.) because people tried to use them to hold cups(I'm not just saying this either..) on not one but three(3) occasions. People are dumb and people tend to have a complex where everything is owed to them and it's always some other persons fault. That is why I don't put it past him having told a lie about his systems cleanliness.
 Nah, I don't think it's that simple. This guy sounded like he was a serious hardcore Sony fanboy, and it also sounded like he took good care of the thing. It is a dust magnet, and of course he stated that it stayed in the entertainment center all the time. I don't know about you guys, but there is no way that much dust could've accumalated on something that never moved. My theory? Number 3 on that list. Sony can't afford to have bad publicity right before the holidays. Plus Sony did refuse to give the pictures back before, and suddenly they are so willing, and give the pictures right back to the guy. No this sounds a little too fishy for my liking.