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My xbox 360 has failed on me 3 times in 2 years. But there customer service was helpful I got through first time every time and 3 times I had it repaired for free.
What I want to know is what can you do to help me? The Blu ray laser burning out is becoming a very common problem And I'm not paying £99 for a fault in a machine not down to me and if that
the case when Jack Trentton says about current ps2 owners become future ps3 owners, well this current ps3 owner will never buy another product from Sony.

Here's the difference:

Xbox 360 has had a major problem with RROD and to clean up that image, it was basically the only option to go "oh, you have a problem, no problem, here... a free repair". Apparently, it works, because it broke down three times in two years and you're basically happy about it.

Sony's PS3 has been stated to be within the margins of error that is allowed for products, therefore they do not "need" to go "here, for free". It's a shame it broke down, but it happens to the best of us, and if it is not a major problem (read: outside the margin of error), then it's something you'll have to accept.

I DO agree that being on the phone for 20 minutes each time, is way too much and lousy customer service. The other points however, I don't agree with.