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BladeOfGod said:
Nick said:
BladeOfGod said:
well, maybe, just MAYBE MW2 is NOT OVERRATED and it DESERVES the scores it gets, and IT IS AN IMPROVEMENT over COD 4. Have you ever thought of that??? Have you ever thought that lots of HD games are getting good scores NOT because of graphics but because of other important things???

I have thought of that.  In fact, if you would like to reread my posts, you will find that I never claimed that it was overrated or that it didn't deserve the scores it's gotten so far.  I simply pointed out that some people in this thread don't feel that MW2 deserves the scores it's received and that they may be justified.

Just because people don't think MW2 deserves perfect scores doesn't mean they don't think it's a good game and it doesn't mean they have some sort of score envy between MW2 and NSMB.  It really seems that you are creating your own reality simply to start an argument. 

Wii master said:

lol MW2 sucks it doesn't even deserve all the perfect scores


Samus Aran said:

I don't understand how Call of Duty: Modern warfare 1.5 got eight 100% scores on metacritic.


The Gost of RubangB said:

Modern Warfare is going from 32 players to 18 players. That's  43.75 % decrease


And my question wasn't just for you but for all people who think MW2 is ''overrated'' here

Only one of those posts is actually saying MW2 sucks.  The other 2 posts are, for whatever reason, only pointing out that they don't think it deserves a perfect score.  So if you take issue with what Wii Master said you should address your post @ him and not me.

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