I could care less cuz you wouldnt get it anyways you are a bum nothing else. Its not a hypothesis its the fuckin truth. And thats why you and Yoki get away with it because there is no way to actually prove it. Even if i was sharing my account its not like anyone would be able to tell because its something you actually have to see yourself dumbass. And I'm sure no one in here even pays attention to stuff like that but i do. And i KNOW what you and Yoki do. Thats why you joined the league. You thought "What the hell... Yokimoto gets away with it then so can I". And even if there was proof its no like dumbasses on here would accept it anyways.I've pointed out the truth about Yoki and so did Kylie but did anyone do anything? of course not. Its a rip off. You all can continue to be ripped off by these cheaters or not i don't care but I'm out