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Picko said:

Metacritic has a superior methodology, there is no doubt about that. Statistically its a vastly superior way to undertake analysis. Quite simply all reviewers are simply not created equal, and shouldn't be considered as such.

Coming from a reasonable statistics background, gamerankings is rather useless.


 Uhm, weighting data without some sort of reason that is defined by the nature of the data is just inviting innacuracies.  Its one thing to weight test scores which are objectively scored and quite another to weight review scores which are completely subjective.  Put simply, a weighting of a subjective score is another subjective decision and introduces the possibility for further innacuracies.

It would be different if we were interested in collecting the subjective data the reviewers produce but we are actually interested in the quality of the game and substituting the subjective review scores which quite literally represent one person's opinion and not necessarily the game's quality. 

I actually think the GR "weighting" by only counting trustworthy sites is a lot better method.  But it still is open to increased innacuracy due to the weighting.  Sometimes it helps sometimes it hurts.

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