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The numbers and the methodology seem solid. I am not entirely sure why anyone thinks that the numbers having a correlation to this sites own data is a bad thing. These numbers maintain the same margin we saw in last weeks sales. Why look for the sales to be an anomaly.

Honestly there is far too much wishful thinking, and not enough critical thinking. Critical thinking would tell you that trends would persist, and if they were to change it would be gradually. The PS3 wouldn't suddenly pick up a huge head of steam while the others remained flat. The 360 has been outperforming the PS3 for quite some time by a large margin. Why seriously why do some posters think the PS3 will match the 360. The Wii has sold around twenty five percent more then the 360 over the past few weeks.

There still isn't an explanation from those expecting an anomaly as to exactly how it would happen. The Wii is still the cheapest console. Followed by the 360 followed by the PS3. The Wii has probably the strongest casual library. The 360 has the strongest hardcore library. The PS3 is more geared to the hardcore, but doesn't have as strong a library. Seriously exactly where will the PS3 gain momentum against the other two, and how could the 360 overcome the Wii still being more expensive.

Seriously the Fans of the PS3 need to explain how the unprecedented could happen. They need to explain how the PS3 will sell much better comparatively then it has been. Then explain how its going to tie the 360 which is cheaper, and has the superior library and lineup. Most especially given the year of bad publicity, and consumer price consciousness.