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LingLing said:
Why is everyone saying EO is a budget title?? How much did you pay for that game guys?
I paid 69 Swiss Francs for Endless Ocean, and I also paid 69 Swiss francs for SMG, so at least here in Switzerland EO is not at all a budget title...

Faxanadu i don't know what you are but since I got SMG my Endless Ocean disc did not touch my Wii. I still think it's a great Game.

if you would visit your beautiful neighbouring countries, you could pick EO up for 30 Euros, which means about 45 swiss francs. So it is a budget title. SMG is 47 Euros.

I guess that is why you are not German but Swiss. The Eidgenossen always had a better taste for the sweeter things in life, be it chocolate, joghurt or cheese. Or maybe you just have spend more time with it than me before SMG hit.

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