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A small section of a big interview about Fallout 3. 

CVG: What are you working on at the moment with Fallout 3?

Hines: We're working towards getting everything into the game. The world hasn't finished being built yet so we're still in the process of putting all of the content in the game, fleshing everything out and playing quests. That sort of thing.

CVG: Are all three versions of the game at the same stage of development?

Hines: For the most part. 360 is our lead platform. Our devs are just big fans of the dev tools available on the 360 and so that's our lead. But PC, PS3, 360 - they're all chugging along.


The full interview is found at CVG:



To me, this is pretty big. Fallout has always been a major PC game. Oblivion was developed on the X360 alongside the PC version, with PS3's version lagging behind. Now the X360 is the lead platform. Will other PC-centric developers do this (such as the Might & Magic series, with Dark Messiah coming X360-side?)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.