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BladeOfGod said:
also, some fanboys here should stop hating on MW2 just because it got better reviews than NSMB Wii


MW2 could get the best scores ever, i'd still not be interested... and NSMBWii could get tens of very low scores, it will never change anything to the fun it will give me... this is not a reason to call people fanboys, everything here is a matter of taste and preferences, and no one cares to know which is the "best" game: people are so different, it doesn't make sense to even compare such different games... same thing in music: an excellent record in a genre you don't like? You'll NEVER consider it the best of the year... same thing...

Now, what's annoying in many reviews, is that a Nintendo game may get slashed for being "too much of the same" (even after nearly two decades without any sequel), while most HD titles will never receive such critics, just because this year's episode is supposed to look better than the past episodes... there's a kind of double standard in the way games are reviewed these days, and that's becoming a problem... for those who still care about most critics opinions...

I don't care anymore, and that's why i only read reviews that don't try to compare Wii and DS games to games on other platforms, but just try to show me if they're amongst the best in the DS and Wii libraries, when compared to other titles "in the same league"...

After that, i have my own preferences, graphic styles or game genres i may like or not, and then i can make a decision: purchase at full price, in 2nd hand, rent only, or not care at all... and then have fun, alone or with my kids and my friends... and that, in the end, is the only important thing...

Not Metacritic, IGN or 1Up or Edge or Gametrailers or Kotaku or all the others... they can have their own fun with anything they want, i don't care: it's their life, their opinions, their tastes... not mine...


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and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."